Thursday, February 6, 2020

What the Style?

Is making federal buildings neoclassical the right path for our future?

I received a letter from the AIA (American Institute of Architects) last night regarding an executive order mandating neoclassical architecture to be instituted as the official style for federal projects over 50 million dollars (in the capital region). I am going to jump straight to the chase here: this is absurd. Not only does it sound like a bad idea, but it is a bad idea and I feel like writing about it is just putting fuel to the fire. Nevertheless, here it goes. 

Exactly what style and architecture are should be common sense, but there is a lack of understanding about what projects entail in general. So I want to talk a little about what styles are, how they are meant to be used and what it means for an architect to follow a style for a project. According to Wikipedia, "an architectural style is characterized by the features that make a building or other structure notable or historically identifiable. It is a sub-class of style in the visual arts generally, and most styles in architecture-related closely to the wider contemporary artistic style. A style may include such elements as form, method of construction, building materials, and regional character." In other words, is an accepted series of elements that visually define a building.

One thing to understand about vintage modernism as a style is that it is also characterized by clean lines and flat roofs. Today, modern and contemporary styles have adopted another theoretical stream. With the birth of postmodernism, the clean lines of the modernist era were broken leaving various schools of thinking of how to properly design and put together buildings. I concur with the idea that styles are a straightjacket to architects that confine all possibilities and opportunities, as Bjarke Ingles (BIG architect Founder) stated.

As I have mentioned in the past, thinking of modernism as a state of mind rather than a style gives us the opportunity to move forward into our future. New construction requires having new challenges like climate change, sustainability, ever-growing codes, and advancement in materials and technologies. Architects should be designing new buildings with all the arsenal of tools that we are presented, not confined by an executive order to specify that buildings should all look like Roman and Greek temples. These temples were built for gods and for emperors.

Designing neoclassical styles and building them correctly can produce beautiful results. However, if the federal government wants to mandate the public to enforce building neoclassical designs for their projects, it cannot be done cheaply, as it would be wrong and out of place. Designing a neoclassical building requires the right team of architects as well as time and money.  But among these, using “real” materials and not substitutions is crucial, otherwise the buildings will look not genuine. Architecture today should be placing new layers in history within the fabric of our cities. Diversity in styles does not diminish the place making within our communities; on the contrary, they enhance the experience. Our federal buildings should reflect this future by building smarter projects that reflect these values.

In conclusion, the worst architecture a professional can possibly offer the public is design that is fake. I think it is a mistake to build structures just for the sake of repeating history. And that is why Habanero Architecture will join the effort along with the AIA to write a letter to the White House in regards to this Executive Order.

Quote from a recent AIA email referring to this Executive Order:

"Architecture should be designed for the specific communities that it serves, reflecting our rich nation’s diverse places, thought, culture, and climates. Architects are committed to honoring our past as well as reflecting our future progress, protecting the freedom of thought and expression that are essential to democracy." 
Signed --- Sarah Dodge, AIA Senior Vice President, Advocacy and Relationships.

Joe Lopez
Raleigh, NC

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